HIJRAH My Life in Ink

A solo exhibition of Chinese ink paintings

Thursday 11th August 2005 7pm
Utterly Art Exhibition Space
208 South Bridge Road 2nd Level
Tel: 6226 2605

Mon-Sat 11.30 am - 8 pm Sun 12 noon - 5.30 pm
The exhibition runs till Sunday 21st Aug 2005.

A journey of memories - a passage in culture, tradition and in the mind. The exhibition entitled Hijrah by Singaporean artist Sunar Sugiyou - meaning flight, journey or migration in Arabic - relates to his life as an artist and his commentary to society. His artistic journey has brought him into rather distant territory for a Malay artist – his preferred medium is Chinese brush and ink. With a deft hand familiar with the smudging of a wet brush and the scrawling trails of a dry one, Hijrah documents his life’s journey, from life in a kampung steeped in Malay culture and friendly animals, to the architecture of old Singapore and the buildings of his travels, amidst an Islamic existence.

Sunar’s inks are honest, direct and unforced. He paints simply what he sees, using his considerable powers of observation, developed as an awkward child who took refuge in his art. Hijrah, the exhibition, documents a journey into unfamiliar territory by a Malay artist, and his return with undiscovered treasure.